Privacy Policy

Lawn Tractor Fixed takes your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy describes our collection, use, and disclosure of your information when you use the Service, as well as your privacy rights and how the law protects You.

We improve the Service with Your Personal Data. You agree to this Privacy Policy by using the Service.

You consent to and accept the terms of our Privacy Statement by using our website.

Interpretation and Definitions


The following circumstances establish the meanings of words whose first letter is capitalized. The following definitions are to be understood equally whether they are written in the singular or plural.


About this privacy statement’s objectives:

Account refers to a special username and password set up just for you to access our service or specific features of it.

Lawn Tractor Fixed is referred to as Company (also known as “the Company,” “We,” “Us,” or “Our” in this Agreement).

Cookies are little files that a website places on your computer, mobile device, or any other device and which, among other things, include information about your browsing history on that website.

Country means: New York, United States

Device refers to anything that can access the Service, such as a computer, a phone, or a tablet computer.

Personal Data refers to any information that identifies or can be used to identify an individual.

Service alludes to the website.

Service Provider refers to any natural or legal entity that processes data on the Company’s behalf. It relates to third-party businesses or people that the Company employs to enable the Service, supply the Service on its behalf, carry out services associated with the Service, or help the Company analyze how the Service is utilized.

Usage Data is a term used to describe information that is automatically gathered from the service’s infrastructure or from users of the service (for example, the duration of a page visit).

The website is short for Tractor Issues Fixed, which can be found at

You refer to the person who accesses or uses the service, or, if applicable, the business or other legal organization that the person is accessing or using on their behalf.

Data Collection Types

On this site, no personal information about you is collected.

Usage Data

Usage Data is data that we may gather about how the Service is accessed and used. The Internet Protocol address (or IP address) of your computer, the type, and version of your browser, the pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, your time zone, the things you clicked on pages, the amount of time you spent on pages, the websites or search terms that led you to the Service, unique device identifiers, and other diagnostic data may all be included in this Usage Data.

Keeping Data on Cookies

We track activities on our Service and store certain information using cookies and other tracking technologies. Cookies are little data files that may contain an anonymous unique identification. Cookies are little text files that a website sends to your browser and stores there.

In order to gather information, track users’ movements, and develop and analyze our Service, we also employ log files, web beacons, tags, pixels, scripts, and other similar tracking technologies.

Log files are used to record activity on the Service and gather information such as your IP address, browser type, ISP, referring/exit pages, and the date and time stamps.

Electronic files called web beacons, tags, pixels, and scripts are utilized to store information about your usage of the Service.

You can tell your browser to always reject cookies or to let you know when one is being sent. But, you might not be able to utilize all of our services if you refuse to accept cookies.

Session cookies are an example of the cookies we utilize. To keep our Service running, we need session cookies.

• Cookies for preferences. To keep track of your preferences and different settings, we employ preference cookies.

• Cookies for security. For security reasons, we employ security cookies.

• Cookies for advertising. You may receive advertisements that are relevant to you and your interests thanks to advertising cookies.

The aforementioned third-party websites provide additional information on cookies:

Visit AllAboutCookies at

Initiative for Network Advertising:

Data Usage

The following are some of the ways we use the information we collect:

• To let you know when we make changes to our service

• To provide customer service 

• To track how our Service is being used

• To notify you of news, special offers, and general information about other products, services, and events we offer that are comparable to those you have already used, purchased, or enquired about unless you have chosen not to receive such information.

Storage of Data

Usage Data will be kept by us for internal analytical needs. Usage Data is typically maintained for just a short amount of time, with the exception of when this data is utilized to enhance the functioning of our Service, conform to legal obligations, or where we are required by law to retain this data for extended periods of time.

Data security

We use the right security measures to keep the data from being shared, accessed, changed, or destroyed by people who shouldn’t be able to. We care about the security of your data but keep in mind that no form of electronic data storage or transfer via the Internet is completely safe.

While we make every effort to protect your Personal Data and other data with commercially acceptable measures (including SSL encryption), we cannot ensure its complete security. In addition, even if a link to another website appears on our service, we have no authority over its security. This applies to websites you may access on the internet.

Do Not Track (DNT) Signals

Requests for Do Not Track (“DNT”) are not supported by us. If you don’t want to be tracked by websites, you can tell websites using the Do Not Track preference in your web browser. By going to your web browser’s Preferences or Settings page, you can set or disable Do Not Track.

How We Use the Data You Provide

We make use of the data we gather in a variety of ways, including:

  • Supplying, running, and maintaining our website
  • Enhance, customize, and broaden our website
  • Recognize and examine how you use our website.
  • Create new goods, services, features, and capabilities.
  • Communicate with you, either directly or through one of our partners, about a variety of topics, such as customer service, website updates, and other information, as well as marketing and promotional activities.
  • You with emails (optional)
  • Identify and stop fraud

Logs Files

Lawn Tractor Fixed follows a standard procedure of using log files. These records keep track of who visits which websites. This is a practice shared by all hosting firms and a component of their analytics. Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), date and time stamps referring/exit sites, and even click counts are among the data that log files collect.

These are not connected to any personally identifiable information. The information is used for trend analysis, website administration, tracking user behavior on the site, and demographic research.

Web Beacons and Cookies

Lawn Tractor Fixed utilizes “cookies” just like any other website. These cookies are used to store data about visitors’ preferences and the web pages they access or browse on the website. By tailoring the content of our web pages to visitors’ browser types or other information, we can improve the user experience.

Third-Party Privacy Policies

The privacy policies of third parties are not covered by Lawn Tractor Fixed privacy statement. As a result, we suggest that you review the individual Privacy Policies of these third-party ad servers for more information. It might also contain information on their policies and how to reject particular choices.

On the websites for each online browser, you may find more in-depth information about managing cookies with that browser.

CCPA Privacy Rights (Do Not Sell My Personal Information)

Californian consumers are entitled to the following rights, among others, under the CCPA:

Demand that a company that gathers customer data disclose the categories and particular details of customer data that the company has gathered.

You can ask a company to remove any personal information it has on you that it has gathered.

Demand that a company does not sell a customer’s personal information if it already does.

In the event that you submit a request, we have one month to answer. Please get in touch with us if you want to exercise any of these rights.

GDPR Data Protection Rights

We want to make sure that you are completely informed of all of your rights in relation to data protection. Each user has the following rights:

The privilege of access you are entitled to obtain copies of your personal data upon request. We might impose a nominal fee on you for this service.

The right to rectification – You have the right to ask us to change any data you think is inaccurate. Also, you have the right to ask that we complete any information that you feel is lacking.

Right to be forgotten – Under some circumstances, you have the right to ask that we delete your personal information.

The right to request a restriction on processing – In certain circumstances, you have the right to ask that we stop using your personal data for specified purposes.

The right to object to processing – In some circumstances, you have the right to object to the way we are using your personal information.

The right to data portability – In some circumstances, you have the right to ask that we transfer the information we have collected to another company or to you directly.

In the event that you submit a request, we have one month to answer. Please get in touch with us if you want to exercise any of these rights.

There is a chance that our service will link to websites we do not control. A link from a third party will take you to their website if you click on it. We admonish you to carefully read the privacy statement on every website you visit. We have no control over and take no liability for the content or privacy policies of any third-party websites or services.

Children’s Privacy

Anybody under the age of 13 (referred to as “Children”) is not targeted by our service. We do not knowingly gather personally identifiable information from individuals under the age of 13. Please get in touch with us if you’re a parent or legal guardian and you know that your child has given us personal information.

We take efforts to erase the data from our servers if we learn that we have obtained Personal Information from children without first obtaining their parent’s consent.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy page, feel free to contact us.